14 June 2016

2005 Plant Sciences • 11:00AM - 12:00PM

Pattern Lab, Angular JS 2, Subject Matter Experts

The third meeting featured two topics: Pattern Lab (Mark Miller), and Angular JS 2 (Christopher Thielen).

Below are compiled notes of the meeting:


  • Matthew John Sidor has two web developer positions available, closing soon.
  • Call for Subject Matter Experts. John Knoll has stepped up as an expert in C# and Javascript.

Pattern Lab

Slides: PDF

Repository: bitbucket.org/ietwebdev/sitefarm-pattern-lab-one

Mark Miller gave a presentation on Pattern Lab, used on campus as part of the Site Farm.

Continuous Integration Announcement

Shawn DeArmont is building a presentation comparing various CI systems. Please get in touch if you use CI and are willing to answer a few questions.

Angular JS 2

Slides: PPTX, PDF

Christopher Thielen gave an overview of Angular JS 2 and its place in the history of web development.

Next Meeting

Topic suggestions are welcome. Possible topics:

  • Overview of CI Systems


There were 30 individuals in attendance.