12 September 2017
2005 Plant Sciences • 11:00AM - 12:00PM
Single-Sign-On Azure Proxy, UC Path
Thomas Pomroy (uConnect Services Manager, IET) discusses the SSO Azure App Auth proxy, Everett Wilson (Technical Lead, A&FS: Systems Development) will present on UC Path.
UCCSC will be at UC Davis next year. App Dev presenters should apply for the Engineering Track; it’s not much harder than presenting at the SIG.
Azure AD Application Proxy
Tom Pomroy and Rick Leos presented a new authentication option: Azure AD Application Proxy. It is a new service from Microsoft/Office 365 allowing for multi-factor authorization against Active Directory groups. It includes a reverse web proxy.
Slides: PPTM
UC Path
Everett Wilson presented the what and why of UC Path including some conceptual changes that may be of interest to developers. More information at ucpathproject.ucop.edu
Slides: PPTX
There were 22 individuals in attendance.