10 January 2017

2005 Plant Sciences • 11:00AM - 12:00PM

Angular 2 and Full Stack Typescript

Eli Richmond will be discussing how to develop applications using AngularJS 2.0.

Below are compiled notes of the meeting:


  • Remember to join #appdev on slack.ucdavis.edu, appdev@ucdavis.edu mailing list, etc.
  • Ask for audio/visual equipment (James Cubbage will bring the equipment next meeting).
  • Solicited feedback on last year’s survey. We will be performing another one in March.

Angular 2 and Full Stack Typescript

Slides: PDF PPTX

Eli Richmond, Joshua Eilers, and David Scott gave a presentation on Angular 2, full stack Typescript, and Docker on AWS.


There were 18 individuals in attendance.